Epsilon Sigma Alpha is a powerful network bringing good people together to accomplish good things, locally, nationally, and internationally.
ESA Headquarters provides guidance, programs, assistance to members, chapters, and councils. Funded by individual members dues. Go to the website for more information by clicking on ESA Headquarters.
ESA International Council501c4 organization not for profit and must be operated exclusively to promote social welfare, governed by voluntarily board members from around the United States who provide guidance, programs, assistance to chapters, districts, state and multi-state councils, and members to embrace the ESA mission by making a difference in the lives of others. Funded by chapters, districts, councils, mulit-councils, auxilary entities, and convention profits. Go to the website to find out more information by clicking on ESA International Council (note: log on to member-center).
Midwest Area Regional Council (MARC) governed by voluntarily board members from around the Midwest who promote closer relationships and fuller cooperation among state members, and assist member states in reaching new goals and new heights in the growth and strengthening of ESA in the Midwest. Self funded by ways & means projects and conference profits.Go to website to find out more information by clicking on Midwest Area Regional Council. (note: some areas of site password protected)
ESA Foundation 501c3 nonprofit organization that has been recognized by the IRS as being tax-exempt by virtue of its charitable programs. Governed by voluntarily board of directors who are dedicated to the promotion of continuing education and to altruistic activities that make a positive difference in the world community. Funded by Fund Fest held at IC Convention, Member Dues, and Individual/Chapter/Council Donations. Go to website to find out more information by clicking on ESA Foundation.